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 [VIP] Gunner Weapon

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Posts : 15
Join date : 2013-03-13

[VIP] Gunner Weapon Empty
PostSubject: [VIP] Gunner Weapon   [VIP] Gunner Weapon EmptyThu Mar 14, 2013 2:44 am

[VIP] Gunner Weapon 110

[VIP] Gunner Weapon 210

[VIP] Gunner Weapon 310

[VIP] Gunner Weapon 410

[VIP] Gunner Weapon 510

[Weapon Price depending upon the ups] {max upgrade is +17}

+11 = +200hp +20 rv [200php]

+12 = +200hp +30 rv [350php]

+13 = +200hp +40 rv [400php]

+14 = +200hp +50 rv [550php]

+15 = +200hp +60 rv [600php]

+16 = +200hp +70 rv [700php]

+17 = +200hp +80 rv [800php]

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[VIP] Gunner Weapon
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